4 Essential Internet Marketing Strategies for Industrial Companies

Internet Marketing for Industrial companies can be a remarkably lucrative investment, especially considering that a single customer in this space can mean thousands, sometimes millions, of dollars in added revenue. Despite this, industrial companies often overlook this opportunity in favor of antiquated, traditional marketing techniques.

The reality is, online marketing in an industrial, B2B space presents a unique challenge for digital strategists. For one, the industrial sector is a highly technical and explaining your industrial products and services to your audience can be difficult. Furthermore, the sales process for these companies can take several months to complete. This means that new customers rely heavily on trust and relationship-building before making a purchase decision.

Studies have found that the average consumer takes 7 to 10 interactions with a brand before they’re ready to make a purchase. For B2B and industrial companies, this number is doubled, sometimes tripled. An integrated marketing strategy targets your audience through online channels that they’re already using, such as search engines and social media websites, and ensures that you are top-of-mind as they move through the sales funnel.


Marketing Services We Provide

We offer a number of digital marketing solutions for industrial companies to generate leads, build trust in your current user-base, and increase sales including…

  • Marketing – SEO, PPC, Email Marketing, Social Media, and More!
  • Website Design – Professional, Responsive, Mobile-Optimized Sites
  • Software Development & Custom Programming
  • Consultation – Marketing Strategy & Business Consultation

…and more. For a full list of services, visit our services page.

Optimum7 offers custom marketing strategies that are tailored to your business’s strengths and goals. We refuse to perform tasks that don’t have real value; instead, we treat your business as if it were our own and work with you to develop a roadmap to success.

4 Internet Marketing Strategies Industrial Companies Need

In order for industrial and manufacturing companies to grow, they need to diversify their customer base and a steady influx of leads in their sales pipeline. Here are a few strategies industrial companies need to successfully market their business online.

1. Web Design

Building a professional-looking, easy-to-navigate website lays the foundation for the rest of your marketing strategy to build upon. When done correctly, your website can be your online business representative and a 24/7 sales department.

But what makes a good website?

  1. Clean, attractive design – Your content needs to be presented in a way that is organized, easy to consume, and visually appealing.
  2. Easy to Navigate – If users can’t find the information they’re looking for, they will leave your site in favor for a competitor’s.
  3. Mobile-Friendly – Over 50% of all web traffic is on mobile devices. Your website needs to be optimized for mobile devices if you want that traffic to convert.
  4. Fast – If your site takes more than 3 seconds to load, you stand to lose over 60% of your web traffic. Having a faster site improves user experience and helps your rankings in search engines like Google.

If your website is lacking in one or more of these departments, our full-service design and development team can offer the solutions you need to thrive in an online space.


…of people said they would stop using a website if its design was unattractive.

Results We've Generated

Average Increase in Website Traffic


Average Increase in Conversion Rates


Monthly Total Leads Generated


We become an indispensable resource for our clients to drive traffic and leads.

Duran Inci
COO of Optimum7
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…of all online experiences begin with a Search Engine.

2. SEO

SEO, short for Search Engine Optimization, is a digital marketing strategy that increases the amount of web traffic you generate from search engines, such as Google, through a number of on-site and off-site optimizations. For example, if you sell industrial machinery in Houston, you might want to create an SEO strategy that targets the search term “industrial machinery Houston”.

SEO is a long-term strategy, which means it may take some time for you to start seeing a positive ROI. However, once SEO starts working, you will see the benefits for years to come. Because of this, SEO is considered one of the most profitable digital strategies to date.

SEO is a strategy that can be quite labor intensive. Between keyword research, content creation, page optimizations, analytics, and technical markup, many companies don’t have the time or experience to execute an SEO strategy without outside help. At Optimum7, we are experts in performing SEO for industrial supply companies.


  • High ROI. SEO is commonly regarded as one of the most profitable digital marketing strategies an eCommerce company can employ. In fact, 61% of marketers agree that SEO and increasing organic traffic is their top marketing priority.
  • More Qualified Traffic. Today’s consumer loves doing their research online. When your industrial product is found organically, rather than through an advertisement, it builds trust with the consumer. In turn, they are much more likely to make a purchase than they would be if they were simply shown an ad.
  • Longterm Results. Unlike other forms of internet marketing, SEO provides longterm benefits that continually drive “free” traffic to your website.


  • Long-Term Strategy. SEO is a strategy that takes time for you to start seeing results. Between link-building, content-creation, and authority-building, it can take months for SEO to truly take effect.
  • Competitive Markets Require a Large Investment. In a competitive niche, you need to invest a lot of time and resources to outrank your competition. With savvy strategy, you can identify profitable keywords that make sense for your business.
  • SEO has No Guarantee. There is no 100% guarantee that you’ll be able to rank on the first-page for any given term. If a company guarantees #1 ranking, no matter what keyword, run.

3. PPC

Pay-per-click (PPC) is a form on internet marketing in which companies display ads on popular websites, such as Google or Facebook, and pay the host a fee every time their ad is clicked.

With PPC advertising, ads are shown based on an audience profile you build or an array of keywords you select. Audiences can be segmented by age, location, or even by the industry they work in. With the right bid strategy and audience, you can maximize the value you get out of a click and generate revenue quickly.


…of people click on Google ads when they are looking to buy an item online.


  • Immediate Results. One of the biggest draws of PPC advertising is that you can have your ad seen as soon as your campaign is set up. Other digital marketing strategies, such as drip marketing and SEO, can take months to start seeing results.
  • Track your ads in real-time. With PPC campaigns, you get immediate information regarding how your keywords are performing, the traffic they are receiving, and how much of that traffic is translating into dollars.
  • PPC is affordable and flexible. With paid search campaigns, you can set your budget as small or large as you want and pause at any time.


  • Campaigns have a finite lifespan. In a PPC campaign, your ad stops showing once you have run through your budget. Strategies like SEO have an ROI that lasts years beyond its initial investment.
  • No guaranteed results. You can spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on a PPC ad and if it is poorly targeted, has bad ad copy, or you don’t have a funnel to convert that click into a customer, you won’t see any return on investment.
  • Ads aren’t as effective as they once were. Today’s consumer is constantly bombarded with ads. We are seeing more and more that consumers are ignoring ads in favor of organic results.

…of B2B Marketers said that Email Marketing was their most effective channel of revenue generation.

4. Email Marketing

Email Marketing is the most cost-effective internet marketing strategy available. Anybody can send out monthly newsletters to their client base, but creating the kinds of emails people simply can’t ignore takes skill.

If you’re promoting multiple products or services, big-ticket items, or your timeframe for conversions is over 15 days, you’ll need to create a funnel with a strong follow up process. This means that you’ll send specific email templates to your subscribers at predetermined intervals of time. Every template must be designed and written for each stage of the sales funnel to maximize conversions.

We’ll help you get set up, track your success, and optimize everything so you have another reliable source of leads and sales!


  • Cost-effective. Email Marketing has the lowest overhead of any digital marketing strategy. You can send out thousands of emails every month for only a couple hundred dollars.
  • Customizable, Personalized, Automated. Many email softwares allow you to create templates that automatically pull information, such as the contact’s first name, to create personalized emails. Personalized emails have a much higher likelihood of getting opened.
  • Relationship Building. Today’s consumer generally needs multiple instances of contact with a brand before they’re willing to make a purchase. Email marketing allows you to engage your audience through every stage of the purchase funnel.


  • Regulations and Spam Filters. Recently, GDPR regulations and Google’s updated policy means that more and more emails are falling into the spam folder. Increasing open rates is a constant challenge when performing email marketing.
  • Labor Intensive. Most email campaigns call for 2 emails a week. Creating email copy and monitoring campaign progress can take up valuable time that could be spent focusing on your business. This is why many companies choose to outsource their email marketing efforts.
  • Email Marketing is More Common than Ever. Due to the low startup cost and accessibility, almost every brand has used some form of email marketing. For consumers, this can mean receiving hundreds of emails from brands per week. Because of this, many emails get lost in the crowd.
Ready to Grow Your Industrial Company Online?

Our specialists work closely with you to develop an internet marketing strategy for your industrial company that aligns with your business goals.

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