4 Internet Marketing Strategies for eCommerce Websites to Increase Traffic and Sales

eCommerce marketing is the process of increasing online sales by raising awareness about an online brand and its products. This is done by creating an ecosystem of internet marketing strategies that work together for a common goal. Digital marketing for eCommerce takes the fundamental principles of traditional marketing and applies them to an online space. If you’re an eCommerce business, having a comprehensive digital marketing strategy is an absolute necessity if you want to scale your business.

eCommerce platforms like Bigcommerce, Shopify, and Woocommerce make it easy to start selling online. But just because you have a platform does not mean customers will find you. You need to actively market your eCommerce brand if you want to be successful.

This means investing in SEO, content marketing, social media, and email marketing. By taking advantage of all these digital marketing channels, you can reach more customers and increase online sales.


Optimum7 has seen an average of 50% increase in sales for their clients and every day proactively checks the status of their clients’ web traffic and relation to conversion rates (i.e. sales).

A typical day for the top Digital Marketers, Developers and Copywriters at Optimum7 involves content creation, an analysis of strategies, tweaking websites, digital campaigns and more for our clients.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the on-going process of improving the visibility and ranking of a website or web page in the organic search engine results presented on Google and other search engines.

SEO changes the nature of the relationship between a business and its consumer. No longer are you bombarding them with ads, but providing information to people who are already looking for it.

You aren’t interrupting their daily lives with ads, you are providing them with true value that they are asking for. This means that traffic is not only targeted, but also qualified and more likely to make a purchase.


Form a Custom SEO Strategy

… of online searches don’t go past the first page.

Are you being seen?


  • High ROI. SEO is commonly regarded as one of the most profitable digital marketing strategies an eCommerce company can employ. In fact, 61% of marketers agree that SEO and increasing organic traffic is their top marketing priority.
  • More Qualified Traffic. Today’s consumer loves doing their research online. When your product is found organically, rather than through an advertisement, it builds trust with the consumer. In turn, they are much more likely to make a purchase than they would be if they were simply shown an ad.
  • Longterm Results. Unlike other forms of internet marketing, SEO provides longterm benefits that continually drive “free” traffic to your website.


  • Long-Term Strategy. SEO is a strategy that takes time for you to start seeing results. Between link-building, content-creation, and authority-building, it can take months for SEO to truly take effect.
  • Competitive Markets Require a Large Investment. In a competitive niche, you need to invest a lot of time and resources to outrank your competition. With savvy strategy, you can identify profitable keywords that make sense for your business.
  • SEO has No Guarantee. There is no 100% guarantee that you’ll be able to rank on the first-page for any given term. If a company guarantees #1 ranking, no matter what keyword, run.

…of buyer-intent searches result in clicking a PPC ad

Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC)

PPC stands for pay-per-click, a type of internet marketing campaign in which advertisers pay every time their ad is clicked.

You can choose whether you want to run PPC ads on search engines like Google using Google Adwords or on social media platforms and social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.

Start Getting Clicks Today


  • Immediate Results. One of the biggest draws of PPC advertising is that you can have your ad seen as soon as your campaign is set up. Other digital marketing strategies, such as drip marketing and SEO, can take months to start seeing results.
  • Track your ads in real-time. With PPC campaigns, you get immediate information regarding how your keywords are performing, the traffic they are receiving, and how much of that traffic is translating into dollars.
  • PPC is affordable and flexible. With paid search campaigns, you can set your budget as small or large as you want and pause at any time.


  • Campaigns have a finite lifespan. In a PPC campaign, your ad stops showing once you have run through your budget. Strategies like SEO have an ROI that lasts years beyond its initial investment.
  • No guaranteed results. You can spend hundreds and thousands of dollars on a PPC ad and if it is poorly targeted, has bad ad copy, or you don’t have a funnel to convert that click into a customer, you won’t see any return on investment.
  • Ads aren’t as effective as they once were. Today’s consumer is constantly bombarded with ads. We are seeing more and more that consumers are ignoring ads in favor of organic results.
Results We Generate

Average Increase in Website Traffic


Average Increase in Conversion Rates


Monthly Total Leads Generated


We become an indispensable resource for our clients to drive traffic and leads.

Duran Inci
COO of Optimum7
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Content Marketing

Content marketing is a long-term strategy that is centered around building a relationship with your target audience by regularly creating high-quality targeted content that is relevant to their niche.

Content can come in almost any form including, but not limited to:

  • news articles
  • how-to’s
  • videos
  • podcasts
  • infographics
  • ebooks
  • webinars
Let's Get Started

…of buyers viewed 3-5 pieces of content before speaking to a sales rep.


  • Builds Trust. When you are providing your audience with valuable, high-quality information, you are positioning yourself as an expert in the field. This builds rapport with the audience and makes them more likely to make a purchase from you.
  • Helps your SEO. When done with SEO in mind, content marketing can be a strong tool in many ways. It can help build links and increase the amount of time users spend on your website as well as provide your site with a steady stream of high-quality content (which Google loves).
  • Keeps your audience engaged. Like social media marketing and other strategies, content marketing is a way for you to engage your audience when they are not directly on your site.


  • Time-consuming. For a content marketing strategy to work effectively, you must regularly publish high-quality content. Many business owners simply do not have the time to write blog articles or create content on a consistent basis.
  • It is a long-tail strategy. Like SEO, it can take months for a content marketing to take full effect. While ROI is typically high, many eCommerce companies turn to other strategies that offer more immediate results.

UI/UX Web Design

Start at home. If you haven’t fixed the kinks on your eCommerce site, no matter how much money you throw into advertising and promotions, a faulty website can rob you of all your investment and you can lose clients permanently.

Fixing your eCommerce site means hiring good developers who are responsive and proactive. At the very least they must be able to identify where the errors on your website are and if they cannot fix it themselves, they should be wise enough to hire out someone who can.

Once all of the kinks are fixed, now it’s time to optimize the user experience. Your firm’s digital marketers should be able to identify where the potential clients drop off in the shopping experience.

A few of the questions that your digital marketers should be scouring to ensure that each detail makes the sale go as smoothly as possible are:

  • Is there an element on your site that confuses people and they don’t know what to do and rather than figuring it out, they just don’t bother with the sale at all?
  • Is the call to action (CTA) compelling and visible enough?
  • Do you have a way for your website’s users to get their questions answered easily?
  • Do you have helpful prompts (think of the superscripted, in a circle for information buttons)?
  • Can your business implement a chat box?
  • Are potential clients astounded by the high shipping costs and clear out just before paying?
  • Do your payment options match your clients’ preferences?
  • Is your product attractive, valuable and “scarce” enough to encourage the realization of the purchase?
  • Are the product images appealing?
  • Are the category and product descriptions complete?
  • What is your competition doing?
Form a Custom Marketing Plan for Your eCommerce Business

Contact us today to hear how our team of strategists, designers, content creators, and developers can help you go beyond your eCommerce goals.

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