SEO For Biotech Companies

Biotech companies can benefit from SEO (search engine optimization) services in a myriad of ways to the increase in demand for these companies and the ever-expanding life sciences field of work. A study showed that over 53% of people rely more on the internet for their health-related information than they did 5 years ago. This means more and more people are relying on companies like yours to provide them with honest, clear, and valuable information.

These companies do have to focus their attention on certain factors other industries do not. Life sciences internet marketing efforts need to include:

  • Knowing the priorities of their patients/ customers when they are searching for biotech online
  • The keywords people are searching by understanding the gap between scientific terminology and lamens terms
  • Optimization of the website according to the demographics of the online clients

…and much more. Experienced digital marketers can help biotechnology companies expand their market and employ new SEO strategies to increase search engine rankings and more.

SEO Services For Biotech Companies

At Optimum7, we have over 12 years of experience working with biotechnology companies looking to grow their online presence, increase website traffic, and create a powerful SEO strategy to use for years. We offer a myriad of services which include:

  • Keyword research
  • Mobile optimization
  • Technical SEO
  • Local SEO

…and more. We are the SEO experts you need to scale your company.

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What is SEO?

SEO or search engine optimization is the process of using different strategies and tactics to increase traffic, visibility, sales, and rankings on search engine results pages (SERP). Tactics might be to change the text on your website and optimize it according to what your target market is searching for or changing the navigation on your website in order to provide a better experience for your customers.

Developing a clear SEO strategy for your biotechnology company can mean producing results you only imagined. Biotech companies are increasing in popularity and demand, this means more competition for you. With SEO you can make small changes to your online brand and see a steady increase in high-quality leads and traffic. You can set your company apart from the rest using SEO.

This might seem like an easy task to do, but SEO is more than adding a few words here and there. You have to do the proper research with the right tools to determine what keywords you need to focus on and what keywords produce the most money for you. Hiring a team of SEO marketers can save you time, money, and effort learning a whole new segment of marketing.

Results We’ve Generated

Average Increase in Website Traffic


Average Increase in Conversion Rate


Monthly Total Leads Generated


We become an indispensable resource for our clients to drive traffic and leads.

Duran Inci
CEO of Optimum7
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4 SEO Tips For Biotechnology Companies

Leverage your online presence by incorporating SEO tactics to your life sciences website

1. Develop A Keyword Strategy

Your content needs to provide value to your site users. How do you make sure your content is worth the read? Make sure to go into detail about all things important in your industry. The key is to develop a fine-tuned keyword strategy. You want to look into your patient’s journey through your website and think about the content they will want to see.

Find out which search keywords provide you with the most value and cluster these keywords depending on the customer niche they pertain to. This will allow you to create new content or edit existing content according to what is important to your patients or clients.

2. Write For Your Patients/ Clients, Not Search Engines

As AI technology improves, so does Google’s algorithm. We know you want to be the first biotech website to come up on the search results page but the way to do about it is not overstuffing your website with fluff keywords. You want every sentence your patients read to be valuable and make a difference in their lives.

With a team of experienced technical copywriters on your side, you can create content that is extremely powerful. Incorporating content marketing efforts onto your biotech website allows you to create a better user experience for your clients because you will be able to give them all the tools and information to make an informed decision about their health or current health trends.

3. Build High-quality Backlinks

A great way to build brand awareness is to build up your inbound links repertoire. Link building can be time-consuming but with a team of experienced digital marketing experts, you have all the tools necessary to find quality backlinks for your life sciences site. Backlinks are now considered one of the most important factors to a successful SEO strategy because when Google crawls and see that you have backlinks it will increase your authority thus get you higher up on in organic search results.

We know the importance of press releases in the biotech industry, our team of copywriters can help you highlight new product launches, clinical trial results, and major life sciences announcement to the public while also building up your backlink list.

4. Optimize Your Loading Time

A key factor to consider when optimizing your website is the loading speed of your site. With the spur of life science companies in the market, there are hundreds of websites to choose from. It is easy for website visitors to go to your page wait 4 seconds and move on to the next option because your page did not load fast enough for them.

In order to keep your bounce rate low and have patients navigate through your entire site, you need to look into the backend of your existing website. Skilled developers and programmers can take a look at your code and immediately identify where the delay in speed in coming from. It is important to keep your code clean to avoid abandonment rates.

Want To Increase Your Search Engine Ranking?

Let’s discuss your possibilities with the team at Optimum7 and see how far we can take your biotech company by employing cutting edge SEO strategies.

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