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Writing eCommerce Product Descriptions That Customers & Search Engines Love

product descriptions

As an eCommerce storeowner, it’s not just your store or brand name, but also the product itself that’s in fierce competition with everyone else in the digital marketplace. When you’re managing a digital commerce operation, it’s important to strategically market your products so that they can have the best online visibility. You can have the best commodity in the market, but if it isn’t searchable, it might as well be nonexistent. Furthermore, you may even have discovered that some eCommerce storeowners are making millions off one single product—and truthfully, the item might not be the best of quality. Nonetheless, the orders keep rolling in.

How are they doing it?

Simple. They are adapting to the digital commerce marketplace. Instead of labeling their product descriptions in a way that sounds cool and catchy—the traditional way television and radio might do it, these eCommerce storeowners are labeling their product descriptions in a way that is search engine-friendly.


What Do We Mean By Search-Engine-Friendly?

Approximately 90% ofAmericans do most of their shopping online through their mobile devices. While there is certainly room for perusing, many shoppers already have an idea of what they’re looking for and will use a search engine—mainly Google, to help them find that item. Once those search engine results appear, chances are shoppers have already found what they’re looking for on the first page. Less than 5% of users click to view the second page and only 1% click to view 3rd page results. Therefore if you’re not on the first page, you might as well be on the last.

The bottom line is that whatever you’re selling, you want to appear at the top of the first page. There are many companies that will pay to appear at the top—and paying for Google Adwords isn’t cheap! Depending on how competitive the keywords you want to bid on are, you can pay anywhere from $1 – $50 and sometimes more every time someone clicks on your ad. When paying this much for every click, you better have a high conversion rate if you ever want to see a decent ROI!

If you want your products to organically appear on the first page of search engine results, then you need to write searchable product descriptions for each and every product you’re selling online.

Invest Time Into All of Your eCommerce Products

Think about it, when you’re shopping online for two competing products, which one are you going to purchase? Ideally, it will be the item that offers a better description and more information. The competing product could be the best that was ever made, but without a decent description, one can only assume that it’s not, especially when the competing product has a plethora of informative content.

This is a similar approach that Google makes when producing search engine results. If you’re shopping for spray paint remover, then you’ll type exactly that into your Google search engine. What comes up is page of content about spray paint remover. You’ll most likely find some paid ads. Then after that will be the organic searches, and even some YouTube videos.

Label Your Products with Strategic Creativity

If you want every single one of your products to organically float to the first page of search engine results, then you’ll need to invest the proper amount of time to each online product, labeling it with a proper product description that includes hot item keywords relevant to the product. If you label your spray paint remover as “spray paint remover”, you can forget about ever showing up on the first page of anything! You have to be more strategic than that.

People get pretty specific when looking for items online. In the case of spray paint remover, they may look for “spray paint remover for wood, brick, concrete, metal, or plastic surface” and so on. The bottom line is that people know what they want. It’s your job to make sure they can find your product when they start looking for it. Accompanying your product image with a strategic description that incorporates searchable keywords turns your product into a searchable item!

Writing a Good Meta Title and Description for Your eCommerce Product

In addition to a strategically written product description, it is equally critical to have a searchable meta-title and meta-description.

A meta-title is the blue heading you see on every Google search result page. Right below the title is a short description. This is called the meta-description. The meta-title and meta-description serve the same purpose as the actual product description: to increase the chances of showing up on the first page of Google’s search engine results and increasing the probability of a user selecting your product over your competitor’s product.

Present Your Content Well So Google’s Algorithm Will Find It

Google wants you to keep coming to them to find what you’re looking for. In order for this to happen, they need to keep producing quality results. In order for them to continue doing this, they must design their algorithm so that they’re able to weed through sub par content and provide you with quality search results. Digital commerce storeowners who have taken the time to provide quality content will most likely provide you with a quality commodity and hopefully, quality service.

The bottom line is that you have to very specific when marketing your products because the digital commerce marketplace is vast, furious, and takes no prisoners! Write searchable product descriptions that will increase your ranking on Google. Optimized product descriptions will increase product visibility and sales! If you want to improve your organic rankings, consult a digital marketer at Optimum7 to assist you improve your online visibility today.

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