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eCommerce Content Marketing Strategy: Complete Checklist

eCommerce content marketing strategy

Times are changing and with it digital commerce. As digital marketers and eCommerce sellers, it is our job to recognize these changes and adapt to them accordingly. That means doing our best to keep up with the volatile trends of the internet.

The internet is much like the stock market. There is no one way one can predict its outcome. In the case of eCommerce sales, there’s no way you can guarantee a sale. The supply and demand strategy still reigns supreme.

Why You Need to Hire a Digital Marketer to Boost eCommerce Sales

The challenge with eCommerce marketing today is that almost every business is selling their idea, product, or services online. The need for digital marketers is in high demand to make sense of all of the online noise and to develop a creative online strategy to make your business rank #1 in search engine results.

Establishing an Online Presence for eCommerce Businesses

Consumers are looking for a quality product with the best deal and the world of eCommerce has essentially leveled the playing field for mom and pop shops to sell alongside big companies and corporations without needing a huge advertising budget.

The main marketing strategy has always been about presenting your eCommerce product to look appealing enough to convert a casual shopper into a paying customer. The fact of the matter is many shoppers, who aren’t purposely looking for your product, will most likely select from options that show up on the first page of a search engine result—mainly Google. So the main goal for digital marketers is to develop a strategy that will increase your online search engine rankings.

Digital Marketing: The New Type of Advertising

Digital marketers must be a bit savvier when it comes to advertising. A lot of the marketing strategy has to do with wordplay. Researching and composing a list of industry-related keywords that potential prospects would use in a search engine to find the product is key to increasing the chances of your business being the one they choose to click on!

How to Create Compelling Content to Increase eCommerce Sales

The original method of developing good content involves publishing quality blogs on a consistent basis and sharing it through social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and others. It is arguably as easy as outsourcing writers on the cheap to develop the content for your blog. Simply include a few backlinks that will direct the reader to the product you’re selling and that blog post might increase your chances of landing a sale!

Maybe the objective is a long-term goal where you just need to acquire a list of emails to narrow down the pool of interested prospects who might buy your product. This kind of digital marketing strategy used to be enough, but with any marketing technique, people catch on. Then it’s time to push the marketing boundaries with another strategic approach to achieve and/or maintain the number one spot on a search engine result.

New Strategies for Better Digital Marketing

None of the aforementioned strategies are wrong. You just have to enhance them and improve the quality.

Much of eCommerce marketing is about quantity—the more content you invest into publishing online, the higher the chances are to increasing visibility—similar to a lottery—the more tickets you buy, the better chance you have at winning, except that eCommerce marketing is far more sophisticated when it comes to the kind of content you’re putting out there for search engines like Google to index. This is why hiring cheap writers will no longer work either. It’s time to invest in good writers who know how to craft a story, whether it’s in short form or a couple of sentences. Content needs to be smart, witty, and catchy in a down-to-earth tone, not in the traditional salesman pitch.

How to Get on Google’s Good Side So that it Selects Your Content

Yes, it’s gym class all over again! The cooler your content is, the better chance you’ll have of getting chosen by Google or any search engine for that matter. It all goes back to the basic social interaction of high school. Your online personality, whether it’s through a blog, eCommerce products, a service, or advertising, all needs to be interesting, engaging, funny, smart, cool, and in demand! So how does all of this actually relate to eCommerce content marketing?

The Art of Relevant Storytelling

When it comes to marketing anything, especially in the digital world of short attention spans, you have to be able to connect with your audience. To capture and keep a reader’s attention with anything you’re trying to sell, it’s going to require implementing creative resources and presentations that can’t be revamped for someone else to recycle and reuse. A surefire way to execute such a plan is through storytelling and transparency. Along with digital commerce, reality television is another marketing ploy that shouldn’t go unnoticed as it has reshaped the formatting of television and advertising as we know it. It stands to reason that digital marketers could take a page from the success of this.

How a Good Online Presence is Relevant to eCommerce Marketing

Sharing personal experiences, which is a casual vehicle of storytelling, is essentially what social media is all about and as an eCommerce seller, you’d do well to tap into this market to offer a product that brings value. Establishing a trusted online identity is the top priority. A good way to do this is by offering information that your potential customers can use. For eCommerce, produce content that is relevant to your product. It can be a regular blog post or something like:

 Video content
 A carousel of photos displaying how the product can be used
 Whitepaper/ebook download that gives more information about the product
 Name-dropping. Find an interesting person to interview on a subject that’s related to or about the product
 Social media posts that lead the readers to an engaging landing page

Establishing a Trusted Online Presence to Attract Buyers

eCommerce marketing to increase sales

Confidence in your brand is key. Telling your buyers who you are, what your story is, why you do what you do, and why they should even care about it should all be creatively conveyed through your content no matter what form it is. Once you’ve established that, then you need to understand exactly whom you’re trying to sell to. Doing this will save you hundreds of dollars in digital marketing campaigns because you’re giving your digital marketer the information needed to create a target audience of social media users who will most likely buy your product.

Get an understanding of who your customers are and their demographics.

 Are they primarily male or female?

 What is the age range?

 What are their general interests?

 What exactly do they care about?

This type of information is like gold to a digital marketer. Instead of dumping eCommerce content into a vast pool of overpopulated digital rhetoric, the digital marketer can now

extract the population who wouldn’t be the least bit interested in what you’re selling. This increases the odds of landing a sale immensely.

Provide Solid Content to Increase eCommerce Success

The bottom line is if you produce quality content that’s focused on helping people rather than sounding pitchy, you’re more likely to retain the readers’ attention. Your eCommerce products not only have to be top-notch, so does your related content! By incorporating engaging storytelling content, you also improve the quality of copy that will also reflect your product and brand.

So when it comes to executing a new content marketing strategy, approach it with a more methodical approach, because while it used to be about quantity over quality, it’s now quality over quantity.

eCommerce Content Marketing Experts

Optimum7 is full-service Digital Marketing and Technology company located in Miami, FL. While specializing in eCommerce, our marketers have executed countless content marketing strategies that have increased visibility and revenue for our clients. If you’re interested in learning more about how an effective content marketing strategy can increase your online sales, contact us today.

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