Orange Coast Pneumatics Case Study

How We Incorporated Everything But The Kitchen Sink To Skyrocket OCP’s Online Success Using Our Full Court Press Methodology

Orange Coast Pneumatics Case Study
The Client
Orange Coast Pneumatics, with over 75 years of experience in pneumatic requirements, provides services for both domestic and international orders. The company, operating in Orange County, California, reached out to Optimum7 in December 2018 with the intent to increase their website’s visibility and conversions, as well as to improve both technical and internet marketing strategies. This partnership aimed to substantially enhance Orange Coast Pneumatics conversion rates and revenues. Services. As a national distributor for SMC, the world's largest manufacturer of pneumatic automation products, Orange Coast Pneumatics offers over 11,300 basic products with over 560,000 variations. They operate,, and, serving a wide range of customers. The company's services range from offering pneumatic parts to facilitating online orders with a user-friendly interface.

A Quick Rundown Of The Project

Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the challenges and solutions Optimum7 has implemented to guarantee long term success for Orange Coast Pneumatics.

The Challenges

The main challenges that Orange Coast Pneumatics faced were related to their websites' conversion rates, SEO performance, and online visibility. They needed to enhance their online brand reputation and reach out more effectively to their target market. Further, they aimed to improve their user experience, making it easier for customers to select appropriate options and place orders, thus turning visitors into customers.

Our ‘Kitchen Sink’ Approach

As we embarked on this journey with Orange Coast Pneumatics, we knew that a conventional approach wouldn't suffice. With their vast catalog and unique business needs, we needed a strategy that was as multifaceted and dynamic as their operations. That's when we decided to leverage what we call the "Kitchen Sink Approach." The Kitchen Sink Approach is not about using one or two digital marketing strategies but deploying all effective tactics that could potentially drive growth. This involves leveraging every tool in our arsenal, from SEO and PPC to remarketing and custom functionalities, and applying them cohesively and consistently. This approach is about understanding the client's needs, challenges, and opportunities in depth, and then using a comprehensive range of tactics to address them. It's about leaving no stone unturned in our quest to drive online growth and success.

Development Functionalities

Multi-Add-to-Cart Functionality for B2B Buyers

To cater to B2B buyers who typically place large and complex orders, we created a multi-cart functionality. This allowed users to create and manage orders in bulk, significantly enhancing the purchasing process for B2B buyers. Furthermore, the 'my account' feature allows users to quickly reorder previously purchased items, enhancing customer retention.

Load Speed Optimization

Recognizing that a fast-loading website is crucial for user experience and SEO performance, we enhanced the load speed of the websites. This reduced bounce rates and increased user engagement, thus improving both the websites' SEO ranking and conversion rates.

Category Loading

Given the vast number of products and variations, it was critical to ensure that category pages loaded smoothly, providing users with a seamless browsing experience. We implemented a system that kept category pages constantly loaded and updated, ensuring users could easily navigate through the extensive product catalog.

Advanced Conditional Product Builder

We developed a custom functionality named the Part Builder. This interactive tool allows users to select any equipment or pneumatic parts on the UI along with desired product options from a dropdown list. The Part Builder then configures a part number according to the appropriate product options selection. This made the selection process more intuitive and user-friendly, reducing the possibility of errors and customer frustration.

Real-Time Shipping Options

In order to provide accurate and timely information to customers, we integrated real-time shipping options into the websites. This ensured customers always had the most current shipping options and costs before they completed their purchase, enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing cart abandonment rates.

“Close Match” Items

To further enhance the user experience and increase the likelihood of sales, we developed a "close match" functionality. This system displays similar products when a user is viewing a particular item, providing customers with a broader range of options and increasing the chance of cross-selling.

“Quote” Process

Recognizing that some purchases may require special handling, we developed a “quote” process for multi-item orders. Once a quote is requested, it is sent to a CRM and, depending on the value, can be forwarded to specific team members, ensuring each order is handled by the most appropriate person.

Handling of Over 2,000,000 SKUs

One of the major challenges was the handling of over 2,000,000 SKUs, a volume that most eCommerce sites cannot manage. We developed a robust system capable of efficiently managing this vast product range, ensuring that users could easily find and purchase the items they needed. These custom functionalities were instrumental in addressing the challenges faced by Orange Coast Pneumatics, enhancing their online presence, and improving their conversion rates and revenues.

Marketing Strategies

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Dynamic Sitemaps

To make the websites more visible and comprehensible to search engines, we created dynamic sitemaps. These sitemaps automatically update as new products or pages are added, ensuring that search engines always have the most up-to-date view of the site's content.

Unique Titles and Descriptions

To maximize visibility in search results and improve click-through rates, we ensured each product on the websites had a unique title and description. This not only makes it easier for search engines to understand the content of each page but also provides users with helpful information in search results.

Dynamic URLs Based on Product Options

To further enhance online visibility, we implemented dynamic URLs based on product options. This means that each product variation has its own unique URL, improving the sites' SEO performance by providing more specific pages for search engines to index.

SEO Results

Organic Traffic Up By 333%
Through our comprehensive SEO strategy, we were able to significantly increase the organic traffic to the websites. Over a period of 24 months, we observed an increase of from 48,303 to 209,405 organic users.
Keywords On Page 1: 2,998
Our work on unique titles, descriptions, and dynamic URLs based on product options led to a marked improvement in search engine rankings. The websites now rank on the first page of Google search results for 2,998 keywords, an exponential increase the start of the campaign.
Organic Revenue Up By 209%
The increase in organic traffic and improved search engine rankings resulted in a significant boost in organic revenue. Over the course of the campaign, organic revenue increased by over 200%.

Paid Media (PPC)

Custom Scripts for Ad Copy

To handle the vast range of products, we created custom scripts that feed customized ad copy to AdWords for each product combination. This allowed us to create more targeted and relevant ads, improving click-through rates and conversions.

Removing Overlays on Images

We identified that overlays on product images were blocking 90% of products from appearing in Google Shopping. By removing these overlays, we were able to unlock these products, significantly expanding our presence in Google Shopping.

Boosting Best Seller Products

By analyzing sales data, we were able to identify the best-selling products. We then focused our advertising efforts on these products, further boosting their visibility and sales.

Paid Media (PPC) Results

Expanded Product Visibility By 90%
By removing overlays on product images, we unlocked 90% more products in Google Shopping. This led to a XXX% increase in product impressions on Google Shopping.
Added $100,000 In Revenue Via PPC
Since the launch of our paid search strategy we have been able to increase revenue exponentially, resulting in over $100,000 additional in revenue in just two months, and that’s including a ramp up period.


Dynamic Remarketing

To better target users based on their browsing behavior, we implemented dynamic remarketing. This strategy uses cookies to show users ads for products they have previously viewed on the site, encouraging them to return and complete their purchase.

Smart Campaigns

To maximize the efficiency of our ad spend, we used smart campaigns, which use machine learning to optimize for conversions. These campaigns automatically adjust bids, ad copy, and targeting based on performance, ensuring we get the best possible results from our advertising budget. These comprehensive marketing strategies allowed us to increase Orange Coast Pneumatics' online visibility, improve user engagement, and drive more conversions and revenue.
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