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How To Trust An eCommerce Marketing Agency

Prospects often come and say, “We’ve been burned before; we’ve had problems with our previous agency, eCommerce marketing agency, or developers.

Most eCommerce marketing agencies made promises they couldn’t keep.” and the results of a decision like this always come to the same place. Prospects can arrive from inbound leads or an outreach process with this burn.

Due Diligence For eCommerce Marketing Agencies And More

What do businesses need to ask about eCommerce marketing services from an eCommerce marketing agency or a development partner?

They should conduct due diligence. This includes researching eCommerce marketing agencies online and on LinkedIn. How many employees do they have? What are the employee job titles? How many marketers are employed? How many developers do they have in-house?

The answers help you understand the business and agency’s respective infrastructures.

Sometimes only one person runs an agency, or the managers outsource services. Then you’re not getting the level of quality that you think you’re paying for monthly.

Always run a Google and social media search on your desired agency.

Check references that you can review and contact: new clients, existing clients or case studies, portfolios. So, they need to do their homework.

Owners and managers need to ask the right questions. Don’t stick with “Hey, how much traffic do you want to generate?” That’s the wrong angle. Generic questions are useless.

Traffic is a vanity metric. What is your bottom line? What are your margins on these products?

To increase your eCommerce business visibility, traffic, and conversion rates to this product line or this category, what can you expect to see in return in six months or 12 months?

Business owners get burned because they go with an agency that’s saying, “I’m increasing your traffic by 10x, 5x”. Then they don’t inquire sufficiently. That’s another red flag

Good questions include, “What products are your best sellers? What products do you have the best margins on? What products, if you’re introducing a new product line, do you have an inventory and sitting on 100,000 units that you have to move?”

If they’re not asking those questions, you’ve partnered with the wrong agency.

It all has to do with strategy. eCommerce business owners need to ask questions regarding strategy. Check small elements for red flags.

Look at the employee count on LinkedIn. Make sure that they’re not outsourcing their work. Optimum7 does not outsource digital marketing campaigns. Everyone that works on your project is an employee of Optimum7, with multiple offices and remote people.

Other considerations exist. Make sure that the agency practices what they preach. Optimum7 is visible for thousands of keywords organically on Google.

How can an agency that says they specialize in SEO (search engine optimization) prove it if they can’t do SEO for themselves? How can they do Facebook marketing, AdWords, or YouTube without promoting themselves?

Agencies Should Be Prepared For Dissatisfied Customers

Existing clients will say, “I just got solicited this email from this digital marketing agency saying that they can do X, Y, Z for me, or these are areas of opportunity.” They want to evaluate if switching agencies is worth the risk.

The marketers respond, “This is the company’s website that just reached out to you, telling you that you had errors within your SEO.” They will compare the competitor’s website to yours, and show the drastic change in quality.

Do not trust a stranger who just tells you X, Y, Z. Conduct your due diligence. As a business owner, you have no way of knowing if they have a good backlink profile if they’re ranking for thousands of terms, or what their domain authority is. A reliable marketer does.

Consult with someone else that can tell you and guide you. Optimum7 does that consulting business owners. Even if they refuse to sign a contract, they need guidance in the right direction.

Guidance has to do with the value proposition, the agency, or the development partner. This applies to services such as migration or custom functionality for your eCommerce site.

Are they trying to provide value or just get your business? Are they doing an advanced audit for you? Are they actually highlighting true and accurate improvement points, like something that would improve your bottom line, your conversion rates, the different KPIs, the secondary calls to action? So, it’s very important that you look at all of this.

Finding A Good Fit For A Client

How do you evaluate prospect requests?

Prospect requests can prove awkward. People may not understand the magnitude or tone of their desired services.

For example, one may ask for migration and custom functionalities. Their email reads, “How much is it? Reach out to me only by email. Do not call me. How fast can you finish?”

This is not the right kind of request. The tone shows a lack of serious dedication to quality. Have the statement of work, not even a scope of work, and a window in your schedule for a phone call with marketing or sales.

How about when a prospect requests references?

Why would marketers give you references? Just because you’re trying to hire somebody does not mean that it’s a good match for the agency. Good ones pick their clients as well.

The relationship is a two-way street. Optimum7 has fired clients before if the client does not understand the process or attempts micromanaging, unofficial outsourcing, and so forth.

An agency wants to be an extension of its digital marketing department and development capabilities. That’s where the true value lies.

In terms of the references, the agency can have a statement of work, a phone call, or an in-person discussion with masks and hand sanitizer. With a cost and a timeline in place, and then Optimum7 is happy to provide references as many as you need.

This happens the other way around as well. When you go to an eCommerce marketing agency and when you send them a request and they’re ready to give you a quote via email without speaking with you, they’re amateurish.

These eCommerce marketing agencies are not real digital marketing or development agencies. Human interaction is important in both B2B and B2C marketing.

Find one expert that makes sense, and check their LinkedIn. Evaluate red flags that could prevent a working relationship. Check their resources, Google profile, videos, and content.

Make sure that that this eCommerce marketing agency is visible and is in the marketplace because they promise to make you visible and earn money for clients. If they can’t do it for themselves, they can’t do it for you.

If you have any more questions, reach out to the Optimum7 staff. The marketers and account managers are happy to answer further about long-term agency relationships.

You Should Market Your eCommerce Business

With so many competitors out there, it’s tough to make a name for yourself in the eCommerce business industry.

You need an innovative digital marketing strategy that will turn your eCommerce company into one of those top-performing ones on search engines and get people coming back time after time!

Optimizing your eCommerce store will help you get seen by as many people in a few different ways.

As more people turn to the internet for their purchases, many will find what they’re looking for.

eCommerce marketing is a way of taking advantage and ranking higher in search engine results; bringing in targeted traffic which helps increase revenue as well!

Best eCommerce Marketing Strategies

It is important to have a team of trusted marketing and website development team if you want your online store to succeed.

We’ve listed the perfect strategies for driving traffic and converting visitors into buyers with the best eCommerce marketing strategies that will make any online store stand out from its competitors.

Search Engine Optimization

Do you want more customers on your eCommerce store? Search engine optimization (SEO) can help drive traffic to online businesses.

Optimize your site to improve rankings in search engines like Google and make it easier for potential customers to find you.

User experience will also be improved by keeping them on the page longer, which means they’ll have a better chance of buying from their first impression!

eCommerce SEO is an integral part of an eCommerce company because it helps eCommerce clients find your products.

Without technical SEO, they might not know about your eCommerce websites at all!

By increasing the visibility on search engines for both organic and paid campaigns with keyword optimization in areas where shoppers look when shopping online – like product title tags or categories page titles- eCommerce stores can increase leads by 10x according to some studies we’ve seen.

Social Media

The rise in the use of social media has made this a great time to market your business by using Facebook, Twitter, and other sites.

The world is constantly at our fingertips with access to everything at any moment from anywhere which means that if you want people’s attention-you’ve got it!

If you want to build a strong customer base and increase your sales, it’s important that customers are happy with the products.

Use social media as an outlet for feedback on what they like about your company or business in order to encourage them to share this content online!

If other people enjoy hearing from their friends who buy goods through eCommerce sites then there will be more potential buyers using those pages too – which means better revenue opportunities plus happier shoppers all around.

PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Advertising

PPC advertising is an effective way to generate traffic and build customer relationships for eCommerce websites.

It also helps online store owners establish their site’s organic rankings, which may take longer if done separately without the use of pay-per-click campaigns or ads.

Google Ads are a great way to promote your business on the internet.

If you set up PPC ads, not only will they display when people search for certain keywords but all of them offer instant gratification with almost no risk!

Content Marketing

Creating and sharing valuable content online is essential for eCommerce companies.

Search engines love quality, unique articles that are distributed on social media or other platforms that can help boost your rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

The world of content is ever-changing and there are a variety of sources for your information.

Blogs can be great, but they’re not the only thing you should consider supplementing with – try infographics or downloadable guides!

As a business owner, you want to create content that will be useful and helpful for your potential customers.

By creating this kind of valuable information, not only do you increase our chances of gaining loyal customers but also become an authoritative source within the eCommerce industry!

Email Marketing

When it comes to content marketing, email is one of the most effective ways for sharing your posts.

You can also use this tool as an advertisement and offer coupons or contests in order to get more customers on board with what you have going on!

For even greater perks be sure to add a signup form right next door so they’ll receive updates about new products when they’re released.

Emails are a great way to communicate with your customers and prospects. You may also consider adding an option for people who check out so that they can subscribe in order to keep up to date on all the latest sales or news from you!

Email marketing can drive more traffic, clicks, and purchases for your eCommerce site.

FAQ – How to Pick The Best eCommerce Marketing Agency

What is an eCommerce marketing agency?

eCommerce marketing companies are the key to turning your online business idea into a reality.

eCommerce marketing companies will help you solve any complex problems that might arise, and their diverse skillset means they can implement creative solutions with technology or digital marketing services as well!

An eCommerce marketing agency partner is like having someone who has experience in every facet of what it takes for an enterprise-sized company; from designing websites all the way down to search engine optimization so customers find eCommerce businesses first when looking up products on Google, Google Maps and etc.

What services do digital marketing agencies offer?

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Website and Online Store Strategy
  • Email Marketing
  • Re-targeting.
  • Content marketing and blogging.
  • Link Building

How do I choose a good eCommerce agency?

You can choose an eCommerce marketing agency by following these steps:

First, look at eCommerce marketing agencies’ past experience in the industry and read case studies to see if they have had any successes similar or related projects before yours.

Next, compare pricing between eCommerce agencies- some may offer better rates than others depending on your needs (for example, special programs for small businesses).

Make sure you also visit client testimonials posted online so that when selecting one particular eCommerce agency, you know what kind of outcome clients experienced from working with them previously!

How do I choose an online marketing agency for my small business?

Your business is unique, so it’s important that you find the right digital marketing agency for your company.

Before investing in any strategy or service they offer ask these questions: Is this a small business with best-written content?

Do they have examples of what type of digital marketing work would be done if hired by me?

What information about my eCommerce business will need when working together and how often should I expect updates from them on progress?

How do other eCommerce businesses feel after using their services; Are there easy ways to get feedback of hands (such as social media)?

Last but not least—When can we see some results!?

How much does it cost to hire a digital marketing agency?

Creative and digital marketing agency hourly rates can range from $80 USD for small one-or two-person boutique shops to as much as 200 dollars an hour or more.

You should expect web development costs less than other digital marketing services such as design, UX/UI (user interface), branding & SEO(search engine optimization).

Is it worth it to hire a digital marketing agency?

Digital marketing is an investment and the price tag should never be cut for corners.

The cost of doing so can only end up costing you more down the line in terms of both time, money, or reputation when things go wrong with your digital marketing campaign as a result.

What is marketing strategy in eCommerce?

eCommerce marketing strategy is the process of driving traffic to your brand, converting it into sales, and making you visible on a mass scale.

eCommerce companies are dynamic– as industries evolve or audiences change so, too must your eCommerce marketing strategies for achieving success with them!

How do I hire a digital marketing agency?

Before hiring a digital marketing agency, it’s important to do research and see what other eCommerce businesses owners think about them.

Check out their portfolio of work as well as testimonials from clients who have used that eCommerce marketing company in the past or are currently working with them now on something related to your needs.

For example, in social media marketing skills, at least one eCommerce business should be able to show up online discussing his experience so you know whether this eCommerce agency has good eCommerce marketing services standards.

What makes a good marketing agency?

The best eCommerce agencies will be able to provide reliable customer service by utilizing a variety of different strategies.

From gaining knowledge about your customers and meeting their needs in order for them not only to come back but also to refer you as well!

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