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5 Ways to Optimize Your Copywriting Processes

5 Ways to Optimize Your Copywriting Processes

With all of the cutting-edge techniques used to raise brand awareness these days, content certainly stands high on the list. However, with the implementation of captivating content comes the need for using processes that work.

By processes, I don’t just mean perfecting the content to fill up the space on a reader’s screen—I mean using the right tools to make a reader never want to get distracted. While doing so, you have to focus on the key measures that will help you publish clean content that stands out and that’s visible across the web. Here’s how to do that:

I. Get Organized 

As a copywriter, keeping everything organized is a must in order to avoid having any work getting lost in limbo—or perhaps somewhere in cyberspace. Writing is therapeutic unless a flaw arises and one’s perfectionist nature takes a hit.

Whether or not you own or work for a small company or a large company, having a system in place that can organize and keep track all of your files is a definite essential. Podio is a great system you can use to track business processes and ease communication among colleagues and clients. It’s ideal for managing different projects and organizing content.

I usually combine all of my articles and upload them onto Podio for account managers to know when the articles are ready to publish. These are a few of the steps you can take:

  • Article Library 

One of the biggest nightmares for any copywriter (for anyone, actually) is not knowing where to start. To avoid confusion about the tasks at hand, as well as deadline dates, having an article library is a lifesaver! In Podio, you can make a list of different article titles you’ll be writing. Be careful with the titles you select, since the keywords used will play a major role in how many leads you get. 

  • Assign Responsible Parties 

Generally, if you’re working with several clients, it’s better to assign the content that must be published to the clients’ respective account managers. Account managers have the knowledge and data to determine which keywords can be used in article titles. If the content is your own original content and you’re not publishing articles for clients, then you should still follow suit in assigning a responsible party—even if that’s you. 

  • Status Updates

Once you’ve assigned the content, Podio allows you to set a status update. For instance, you can select among options like “approved,” “under revision,” “ready to publish,” and more. You can also input other information like the name of the article’s author and what date the file was submitted on. You should update your article library on a regular basis, depending on your schedule.

II. Follow up Continuously

Once you have all your content in one place, or rather, the sections in which you’ll place your content, and have delegated the work, you should remember to follow up with your colleagues and clients consistently. Generally, everyone will always say they have a lot on their plate, but when it comes to implementing your content, if you need a client’s approval, it’s your responsibility to follow up.

That pertains to self-discipline, too. You have to set your own deadlines and stick to them. This is especially crucial for those publishing news content. The Internet is too fast-paced to wait on anyone, so the first one to spill the juice, will get the most attention.

  • Edit All Content Before Publishing 

Have you ever started reading an online article—or even a magazine article—and found more than one flagrant typo? If so, you probably thought to yourself that the author was way too rushed and simply didn’t look it over before publishing. Having a clean structure can greatly affect the perception of a reader and their feelings of how reliable your source is. That doesn’t just have to do with avoiding typos; it also means your content should be easy to read and straight-to-the-point, in order to engage interest.

You should also use tools for making sure the articles you’re publishing haven’t been plagiarized. Copyscape is a great tool made to check for plagiarism. When you’re done editing, it ‘s always a great idea to ask a fresh pair of eyes to look over your article—even if it’s more than one person. This will help you determine/affirm whether or not your content stands out.

III. Schedule Articles to Publish

The best part about technology today, is that it could simplify your life to the point where you don’t even have to worry about missing the window to publish your content. Similar to scheduling online payments, you can easily schedule the publishing of your articles ahead of time.

This will help you save time and ascertain that no article is forgotten or goes unpublished. This makes life so much easier when you have a large library of articles. In parallel to the second point of following up, you should take an extra step and make sure scheduled articles are published.

IV. Revise Articles After Publishing 

The same steps you took to edit your articles before they were published should be taken during the final period of publishing, too. Along with checking for typos, be sure to check the following:

  • The layout has a clean structure.
  • All images are properly visible.
  • All necessary links have been inserted in the article.
  • Elements like the font (including color and size) and paragraph spacing used are consistent.
  • The hyperlinks inserted within the content body are functional.

Overall, make sure the article you published pretty much looks the way you intended it to look.

Now You’re Ready to Share! 

When you’re done doing all of the above, you’re ready to take your content to social media. Come up with a catchy title and blurb, while being sure to stay within the character limits specific to each platform. Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn each have a unique character count specification.

Learn how your content can reach new heights by contacting Optimum7 today. We’ll help you grow the appeal of your content, and more.

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